++ Blessed, Joyous Ascension!! Here we are at the 40th day after Pascha... how befitting and how perfectly our faith prepares us for each moment... each feast, each little thing that the Lord wants to show us, to teach us... to truly live our lives each day... each moment, as though we were walking with Christ by our side, in the time that He lived! We DO WALK each moment with Christ, with our precious Lord and Savior by our side... and each and every day and feast is a reminder to us, to our children, to our hearts, to our souls. We have all just been JOYFULLY proclaiming EVERY DAY FOR 40 days and 40 nights... CHRIST is RISEN! XRISTOS ANESTI! Not only do we say it as a greeting when we awaken, throughout the day, when we answer the phone, and when we say good bye and good night, but we sing it in our morning and evening prayers!!! Not just one time, THREE TIMES!! We open AND close our services and our prayers by singing this MOST JOYFUL hymn, proclaiming: "Christ is Risen from the dead, by death, He has trampled... down... death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life!!!" This hymn is so very joyful and the children love singing it so much... the joy is so full in our prayers... one can see if on the faces of the youngest to the oldest! Christ lived for 40 days among his disciples and loved ones, and on the 40th day, just as we celebrate today, He miraculously ASCENDED to Heaven, and was seated at the right hand of the Father. How truly unworthy we are, and how BEAUTIFUL, that each of us celebrates this glorious Divine Liturgy today, and take part in the day of His Ascension. Bishop Savvas spoke so beautifully today and at the Vespers last night about the Ascension of Christ. He brought to our minds... the memory of what these 10 DAYS MUST HAVE BEEN LIKE, AS THE DISCIPLES AWAITED THE HOLY SPIRIT... THE COMFORTER... THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, to come and be with them. We know the end of the story, just as on Holy Friday... we are never able to fully comprehend what the disciples and his loved ones must have felt felt after this most Holy day of Christ's Ascension... until Pentecost, 10 days later!!
And now may we all truly prepare a place worthy for the Holy Spirit to stay in our souls- and touch others with love each moment, as the Lord would call us to, as we prepare for Pentecost/ the Holy Spirit on this coming Sunday, the 50th day after Pascha/Easter!! love always in +Christ, georgia
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